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How To Pack For Your Next Holiday

Holiday packing is fun. After all, you are going away for your well deserve holiday. You are checking out new places, taking good Instagram and experiencing new restaurants.

What’s the best way to pack for your next holiday? My Locker Laundry editor is pleased to share some thoughts with you.

1. You probably don’t need half the things you are bringing

No matter where you are going, you almost always end up buying something – a top, dress, skirt, a pair of sunglasses, a box of new accessories. So unless you are going to freezing cold countries and unsure your first 2 days itinerary, remove at least 50% of the things you are going to bring and save some precious luggage space for the new garments.

Ditto the three pair of shoes – just pack the essentials. This method will help you realized how little you actually need to be comfortable and at the same time look great.

2. Don’t forget your moisturizer

Keep your skin moisture. Water will keep your skin moist from the inside but to complete the process, you must apply moisturizer to your skin, especially the face.

Direct sunlight or strong wind can make the skin dry and damage the skin texture markedly. To help your skin stay hydrated and maintain a young, soft texture, apply and reapply the moisturizer while you are on the road.

3. Think outfits

Sure, it’s cute to pack 3 or 4 different-matched, personality-driven outfits for your next trip. However, you’re probably not going to wear them that way. Rather than just piling up the useful items, make a list of outfits – and think of what would work great from day-to-night. You have also got to consider the weather forecast in the destination so that you are not ruining your beloved leather shoes under unfavourable weather conditions.

Another good thing is, the more you think about your personality and outfits, the more you learn about your own personal style – at home, too – than anything you could ever read on the subject.

Leave your killer heals at home too, as you probably won’t wear it unless you are travelling to attend a special occasion.

4. Vacuum bags are KEY

Your winter jackets, towels, other random linen all take up A LOT of space in your luggage. We have learnt to make use of vacuum bags when we are travelling now, and they will help you to save space.

In addition, if you are travelling to winter country, these bags come in even more handy as they help to protect your clothes against water and winter conditions. Sometimes the clothes in a luggage may come up wet when you are travelling to a cold country because of the rain and icy conditions outside the plane.

Not sure where to get good quality vacuum bags? Check out Daiso!

5. Only take one pair of jeans

You just need one for your holiday. If you can, wear them on the plane so that you are not adding unnecessary weight to your suitcase.

6. Don’t forget a nice beloved party dress

You never know who you may be introduced to when you are travelling and what an impromptu invitation may come your way. Bring along one beloved dress (men: your beloved outfit) when you are on the road so that you are always ready to accept an invitation.

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